"If you do not have the desire to learn, to work hard and to show determination, I am afraid you will be left behind or at best outdated" -H.M The King Register | Login

Rethinking Pedagogy

Rethinking pedagogy is about changing the way we think about teaching and the way we use the skills of teaching.  It is about ‘teaching and learning’ beyond pedagogy in 21st Century and beyond.

Requirements:Teachers, Vice Principals, Principals and DEOs/TEOs
Benefits:Equip with 21st Century Teaching skills
Venue:Peling Resort, Phuentsholing
Start Date:10/13/2016
End Date10/16/2016
Course Fee:12000
Course Inclusive:Professional fee, resource fee, lunch, refreshment and certificate
Special Offers:Access to iED software and Discount in iED associated Hotels