"If you do not have the desire to learn, to work hard and to show determination, I am afraid you will be left behind or at best outdated" -H.M The King Register | Login

21st Century Leadership

For dealing with 21st Century people, we must have at least 21st Century Leadership equipped with 21st Century skills to meet the challenges faced in this era.  Therefore,  this course will equip the participants with 21st Century Leadership Skills to understand and deal with 21st Century issues and challenges.

Requirements:Willing to Learn and engage in professional discourse.
Benefits:Equip with 21st Century Leadership Skills
Venue:Peling Resort, Phuentsholing
Start Date:12/23/2015
End Date12/26/2015
Course Fee:12000
Course Inclusive:Professional fee, material costs, refreshment and lunch.
Special Offers:Follow up plan